Ready by Shara

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Spotlight on Black Health and Wellness Influencers

For the month of February I wanted to focus and high light Black people that are making a difference in the Health and Wellness community that are breaking through a very White predominate space. This will be for the whole month of February and possibly you will discover a new brand, Chef, Podcaster, Researcher, Physician or Specialist that you didn’t know was out there making their contribution to keep us fit, healthy and looking and feeling our best!

For our first installment of this series we focus on Food and Nutrition. These five individuals are breaking bearers in the Nutrition and Food space.

Kevin Curry, famous for his blog, app, book called Fitmencook. Kevin is a very energetic guy that loves to cook and loves to make food taste good and be easy to make in the most healthful possible way. I love his app and quite a few people I know use his app daily. He has something for everyone and with just about any dietary need you can imagine. Click on any of the above links in Blue to learn more about his recipes and advice.

Jessica Jones and Andy Lopez of the popular Food Heaven Podcast are telling it like it is! These two are all about living more healthy balanced lives without restrictive diets and quick fixes. They are real world experts as registered dietitian nutritionists. They give the science and the facts in a real world approach. Click here to learn more.

Shawn Stevenson is a long time fitness and nutrition expert and founder of the Advanced Integrative Health Alliance. He is an author of a New York Times best selling book called Sleep Smarter and Eat Smarter. His wildly popular The Model Health Show is always at the top of the Apple’s Podcast charts. His information is well researched and shares only per-reviewed studies, so you can count on what he is educating us on is of great value. His personal story is inspiring of how came to the Nutrition and Fitness space. You can click here to read more about him.

Bryant Terry is a James Beard Award-Winning chef that specializes in Plant based recipes. I have been cooking from his cookbooks for years. To me he is basically a food god with the likes of Thomas Keller! He takes being Plant based to another level of pure YUM! He has published several cookbooks and is an activist for a sustainable food system. His current home is in San Francisco were he is the Chef-in-Residence for the Museum of the African Diaspora. Click here to read more about this wonderful and inspiring Man.

I hope you all take time to dig in and learn more about these amazing people. I know Bryant Terry has been a huge influence in my life and maybe one or all them will be for you to!

Happy Wellness Wednesday!


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