Ready by Shara

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Sugar Addiction

Did you know Sugar is as addicting as Cocaine! People often enjoy the dopamine release sugar brings just as Cocaine. Sugar consumption can create a short-term high and a spark of energy in the body which for most becomes addicting. Similar to other addictive behaviors, sugar addiction can severely effect people already suffering with anxiety, hormone imbalances and stress. People will use Sugar treats to give them a fix of happiness that is short lived and more harmful than good. Sugar just like alcohol consumption creates long term effects that most of us know about like weight gain, but there are so many more.

Signs you are addicted to sugar:

You binge sweet treats

You crave Salty foods

You hide sweet treats

You feel shame after binging sweets

You feel a high after eating sweets and then feel depressed and worse off then before

You constantly crave sugar

You have brain fog if you don’t consistently consume sugar

You are constantly dehydrated

You eat sweets when you are upset or stressed

Most Americans are addicted to Sugar and don’e even realize it. The average american consumes 22 teaspoons of sugar a day and we are only suppose to have max 6 teaspoons. One Grande Mocha latte has 35 grams of sugar that equels 8.4 teaspoons. So with one drink you have surpassed your daily allowance and combined with the caffeine you have beat your adrenal glands to death. When you go back to work after your Latte break your body can’t deal with any stress that comes your way the rest of the day. You become, tired, overwhelmed, depressed and hungry which turns into hangry.

Now you know if you are addicted to sugar or not, so what can you do about it. Well, you can start to cut back on your sugar consumption by reading food labels. There are many types of sugar and the food industry hides them or makes you feel like you are eating a “healthy” type of sugar. Here are some terms for “Hidden” sugar:

  • Agave nectar

  • Honey

  • Brown rice syrup

  • High-fructose corn syrup

  • Dextrose

  • Evaporated cane juice

  • Glucose

  • Lactose

  • Malt syrup

  • Molasses

  • Sucrose

  • High fructose corn syrup

**Also any white starch you eat turns into sugar, white potatoes, white rice, white flour, pastas, any white starch

**Dairy is also high in sugar and can process to a higher level of sugar once consumed

Hidden sources of Sugar:

Tomato Sauce, Bar B Q Sauce, White Bread, Pasta, Salad Dressing, Flavored Instant Oatmeal, Breakfast Cereals, Yogurt, Milk, Pizza Crust, Chips, Granola bars, Energy Drinks, Sport Drinks, Canned Fruit, Dried Fruit, Protein Bars, Ketch Up, Boxed and Processed Foods, pre bottled Smoothies.

Sugar can also cause a lot of issues in your body such as Heart Disease, Liver issues, Kidney Issues, Diabetes, Cancer, Hormone Imbalances, Obesity, Depression, Anxiety, Infertility issues in Men and Women!

Go Deeper, Learn More….

I have a few podcast that I think may interest you if you want to learn more about Sugar Addiction. How to break the Sugar Addiction and the effects of sugar in your life.

The first is hosted by Dr. Mark Hyman, MD a very well know figure in the Health and Wellness Space. He is trusted and a huge proponent of the Pegan diet. He has written two great books: one called Food Fix, Vegan Diet, and Food- What the heck should I Cook? He talks with Keegan Allen and Tom Hopper about their addiction and what brought them to their breaking point and how they broke the addiction. The interview is entertaining very informative. You may know Keegan Allen from the hugely popular show Pretty Little Liars. Tom Hopper is most know for Game of Thrones and Merlin. They both dive deep into where their Sugar addiction began and how they realized they both had an issue. They go into what they did about it and how they keep sugar clear from their diet and how it changed their lives.

Click Here to Listen to the Podcast

Next are two different interviews on one Podcast called The Chalene Show by Chalene Johnson who has a huge fallowing and is a New York Times best selling author. She is a celebrity Fitness Trainer and believes in straight talk and wants to get to the truth in what makes you healthy and happy. She interviews JJ Virgin in the first podcast. JJ is a wealth of knowledge and goes into Sugar Addiction in a way that makes it easy to understand in how it effects the body. She gives solutions and guidance to kicking the habit as well. The next Podcast features one of my favorite guys Shawn Stevenson. This interview goes into more of the addiction and emotional side of Food and Sugar Addiction. Most of us know about Shawn, but if you don’t he is also a huge force in the Medical Research, Health, Fitness and Wellness. He just published the now best seller Eat Smarter.

Click Link to JJ Virgin Podcast Interview

Click Link to Shawn Stevenson Interview

Have a wonderful Wednesday and skip the sugar and mid day sugary coffee drink today and hopefully forever! It may just save your life!


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