Abbey Sharp of Abbey's Kitchen Science & Sass
Abbey Sharp of Abbey’s Kitchen Science & Sass click link to learn more about her on her site.
While I was on vacation our Heat wave hit extreme conditions so lets just say I didn’t leave the couch or air conditioning for a few days. Too hot to do much at all I was browsing Youtube which I honestly dont do that much. I fallow a few people but never had looked past there channels. One day I wanted to catch up on the Gymnastics Olympic trials that I had missed and found them on Youtube right after the day One video finished a Vlog started with this blond women talking in her kitchen. I thought ok another thin blond white women teaching people how to cook un attainable food that probably doesn’t taste good. Well, I was wrong! This was a legit Dietician, tell it like it is, anti diet culture lady analyzing these popular “What I Eat in A Day” Vlogs posted by celebrities and Health and Wellness Gurus. The first one was with Gwyneth Paltrow where Abbey gave a honest science backed assessment of what Gwyneth eats in a day and debunked some of her rituals and on the other hand backed up some of her rituals as well. After that I was hooked and proceeded to binge her channel the next few heat stricken days. I watched her go one after another de bunking food myths and junk food science also while giving positive praise for some of the people she reviewed as well. She backs up all her statements with peer reviewed real science and a lot of comical sass. She also calls out people perpetuating; Diet Culture, Disordered Eating, Orthoexia, and just all around selling crap. Abbey wants people to eat healthy food and enjoy it without feeling guilt eating some candy and ice cream sometimes. She believes most every meal and snack you eat needs to have Fiber, Protein and Healthy Fats so you feel full and satisfied so you don’t binge a bag of potato chips in one sitting. Instead have some potato chips with a great sandwich, salad or soup and real dessert. Yeah she advices to “Eat” and eat more than what we all have been brain washed to do. The idea for years and years has been eat less and track calories, total BS!
She hates the words and phrases:
Clean Eating
Junk Food
Garbage Food
Processed Foods
Rapid Weight Loss
We live in a world where we aren’t taught how to eat in a healthy way and instead spin in circles listening to Gurus and Influencers that push un healthy eating which creates toxic relationships with food. Also what stood out to me about Abbey is she is clear to her viewers about talking about certain food and diet culture issues that can be triggering to someone in recovery from disordered eating. She puts clear disclaimers at the top of the videos and does a recap at then end that she isn’t tearing anyone down she is trying to clean up years of diet brain washing that most of us have experienced.
Here are a few of her Celebrity reviews of what they are eating. She has many and features everyone from Youtube Stars, Famous Doctors, Ballet Dancers, Rappers and Diet and Wellness Gurus.
Abbey also looks at Health and Wellness Products and does very clear reviews to guide in the right direction and to not waste money!
She does deep dives in Diet Culture and gives you Science Backed guidance to debunk it.
Abbey does these great vlogs about Intuitive Eating and her advice from a Dietitians lenses.
Abbey also has Vlogs about feeding your children and recipe vlogs to.
Abbey has also published a cook book which you know I ordered. I am excited to try her recipes and read more about her.
Once her book arrives and I have spent time with it used it I will let you know my thoughts. I hope you find Abbey as interesting as I do. I started eating cereal again and potatoes and have added more complex carbohydrates and starches to my meals and already I feel a difference. I cut out a few expensive supplements to which will make my checking account happy as well. I feel full and don’t want to do mindless snacking when I get home as much. I feel Abbey can help a lot of people and hope she never stops what she is doing because it is brilliant.
Have a great Wellness Wednesday!