Ready by Shara

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Summer Series- Tools and Gadgets to get you through a Hot Summer in the Kitchen

Half the country is experiencing the hottest days on record and turning on a oven, using a stove or even outdoor grilling just seems too hot and is probably the last thing anyone wants to do. So during the summer I rely on a collection of devices to use to create meals that keep me from using my Oven and Burners which in turn keeps the air conditioning bill waayyyyy down! The little electricity that these small appliances require pales in comparison to what turning on my oven and using my burners does to my living space. Trust me my cats thank me and so does my wallet! I also included some kitchen tools and gadgets that I use a lot in the summer months to make food more fun and easy to prepare.

The first is a Spirlizer. Why boil pasta when you can just Spiralizer some Zucchini. You can also Spiralizer: Carrots, Parsnips, Sweet Potatoes, Cabbage, Beets, Apples. You can pick one up for under $30 click here to get more info.

The first is a Spirlizer. Why boil pasta when you can just Spiralizer some Zucchini. You can also Spiralizer: Carrots, Parsnips, Sweet Potatoes, Cabbage, Beets, Apples. You can pick one up for under $30 click here to get more info.

Nothing I hate more is watery lettuce leaves. I like to give my Romain and Buttery Lettuce leaves a good washing but your home made salad dressing can become watered down without a proper spin. Also under $30 click here for more details.

Nothing I hate more is watery lettuce leaves. I like to give my Romain and Buttery Lettuce leaves a good washing but your home made salad dressing can become watered down without a proper spin. Also under $30 click here for more details.

Ceramic knives are a must for chopping lettuces, vegetables and fruits. Steel knives can brown and oxidize many types of delicate veggies. I have been using mine for over 20 years now. This set will run you about $60 click here for more details.

Ceramic knives are a must for chopping lettuces, vegetables and fruits. Steel knives can brown and oxidize many types of delicate veggies. I have been using mine for over 20 years now. This set will run you about $60 click here for more details.

Glass mason jars are cost effective, practical and have many uses. Making overnight oats, salads to go and storing   foods without using toxic plastic containers, these jars are a must. A dozen will run you about $12 and you can get different sizes and colors. Click here for more details.

Glass mason jars are cost effective, practical and have many uses. Making overnight oats, salads to go and storing foods without using toxic plastic containers, these jars are a must. A dozen will run you about $12 and you can get different sizes and colors. Click here for more details.

Crock Pots, Slow Cookers and Instant Pots are your friend in the summer not just for winter. Another tool to cook a whole meal that you can start in the morning and come home to, ready to go. Prices range from about $50 to $300 for some Instant Pot models. The one pictured is highly rated and comes in $54. Click here for more details.

Crock Pots, Slow Cookers and Instant Pots are your friend in the summer not just for winter. Another tool to cook a whole meal that you can start in the morning and come home to, ready to go. Prices range from about $50 to $300 for some Instant Pot models. The one pictured is highly rated and comes in at $54. Click here for more details.

Air fryers don’t only make the healthiest, least cancer causing fried starches around, but they cook meat, fish and veggies to perfection and without heating up the kitchen. This one works as a food dehydrator as well. Comes in handy making healthy snacks. Food Network gave this model a thumbs up for price and versatility. Coming in under $120 click here for details.

Air fryers don’t only make the healthiest, least cancer causing fried starches around, but they cook meat, fish and veggies to perfection and without heating up the kitchen. This one works as a food dehydrator as well. Comes in handy making healthy snacks. Food Network gave this model a thumbs up for price and versatility. Coming in under $120 click here for details.

I use my rice cooker to make Quinoa and Sprouted Brown Rice. Another device so you don’t have boiling water heating up your kitchen. It works great for a quick batch of steamed veggies as we. Food&Wine gave this guy a thumbs up for being budget friendly and reliable. Just under $20 you can’t go wrong. Click here for more details.

I use my rice cooker to make Quinoa and Sprouted Brown Rice. Another device so you don’t have boiling water heating up your kitchen. It works great for a quick batch of steamed veggies as we. Food&Wine gave this guy a thumbs up for being budget friendly and reliable. Just under $20 you can’t go wrong. Click here for more details.

This device may seem excessive but boiling a pot of water to hard boil eggs heats up the kitchen in no time fast. Instead of cooking eggs on the stove I pop eggs in this baby and throw them in an ice bath once they are ready. I have perfectly cooked eggs for breakfast and late night snacks. Under $20 another great kitchen gadget! Click here for more details.

This device may seem excessive but boiling a pot of water to hard boil eggs heats up the kitchen in no time fast. Instead of cooking eggs on the stove I pop eggs in this baby and throw them in an ice bath once they are ready. I have perfectly cooked eggs for breakfast and late night snacks. Under $20 another great kitchen gadget! Click here for more details.

I know it’s obvious but a blender is your best friend to make smoothies. This one in particular is special though. It is well priced and does a great job and includes single serve attachment pieces. Rated highly on all the Foodie sights for its price point and that it can crush ice in no time flat makes this a fan favorite. Under $150 including the single serve smoothie cups its great quality for a great price. Click here for more details.

I know it’s obvious but a blender is your best friend to make smoothies. This one in particular is special though. It is well priced and does a great job and includes single serve attachment pieces. Rated highly on all the Foodie sights for its price point and that it can crush ice in no time flat makes this a fan favorite. Under $150 including the single serve smoothie cups its great quality for a great price. Click here for more details.

You have no idea how great it is to make a batch of Popsicles. I really like this brand because they make perfect pops every time. With my handy blender it is so easy to whip up fruit Popsicles easily. Much better than what you can buy at the stores. These are also a cult favorite across all Foodie sites. Under $15 these are a must have for hot summer days. Click here for more info.

You have no idea how great it is to make a batch of Popsicles. I really like this brand because they make perfect pops every time. With my handy blender it is so easy to whip up fruit Popsicles easily. Much better than what you can buy at the stores. These are also a cult favorite across all Foodie sites. Under $15 these are a must have for hot summer days. Click here for more info.

I spent over half my life living in hot climates and found ways to beat the heat and eat well without sacrificing flavor and variety on a small budget. With a little help from these tools and gadgets you can to. Have a great Week everybody!

Big hugs,


Summer Kick Start Cleanse

Memorial Day has passed and I know we are all trying to loose some more COVID weight. I put together a seven day kick start plan to detox, slim down and take care of some inflammation from the stress of going back to some what normal daily life. This is simple plan and pretty straightforward.


Disclaimer: All information stated is not intended as medical advice. People with serious health conditions, allergies or disorders should consult with a physician before doing any type of Detox/Kick Start/Cleanse program. Women pregnant or trying to get pregnant should consult with their Physicians before starting any cleanse or Detox program.

Happy Wellness Wednesday!!


Cross Training for Recovery and Performance

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I think most of us work out or have played sports and danced growing up. The people that had an edge on others are the people that cross trained. I remember when I was running track in high school and dancing through college that my performance only improved with doing a completely different type of fitness along with my training. Once I started weight training, pilates and cardio on the elliptical did my balance improve, my turns become sharper and my recovery from a rough two hour Ballet class become quicker and not as grueling.

This theory comes from the Principle of Adaptation which means once your body becomes use to a specific form of exercise your body does not progress in performance and injury is at a much higher rate. So if you are a swimmer and you just swim and do nothing else you will stop building muscle and burning negative fat stores and over-use injuries occur. So swimming not every day and doing resistance training, yoga and have rest days will create a more injury free experience. Even for a non-professional athlete these techniques should be into practice. We are starting to see more and more over-use injuries even in childhood sports. I have friends that played baseball since they where five and blew out their shoulder and where not able to play in college, which was the ultimate goal and possibly go professional from not cross training and doing proper recovery. Their coaches over played him and over trained him and now he can barely hold his new baby even after extensive surgery and rehab. He pledged that he would not let that happen to his children. I have seen it in swimming, friends that played football and soccer. In the dance would you see it over and over as well. This could happen to a normal gym goer. If you do not vary your gym workouts you can create over use injuries, and stop seeing the results you first saw when you started going to the gym regularly.

Below is a sample of a work out plan that keeps your body guessing:

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Doing exercise with different kinds of equipment is also an easy way to keep your muscles challenged and your body burning last nights pizza and wine! Below are examples of equipment you have seen at the gym and some could be used in your home gym to mix it up and make your workouts more fun and challenging.

Mini Trampolines or “rebounders” are huge in the work out scene right now. They help with many things. It stimulates the lymphatic system which flushes out diseases and keeps cancer cells from forming. Its easier on your joints and gives you a total body work and still gives your muscles a great workout. Bye, bye running and the tread mill this is all you need! Even Vogue did a a write up on the benefits click here to read more.

Mini Trampolines or “rebounders” are huge in the work out scene right now. They help with many things. It stimulates the lymphatic system which flushes out diseases and keeps cancer cells from forming. Its easier on your joints and gives you a total body work and still gives your muscles a great workout. Bye, bye running and the tread mill this is all you need! Even Vogue did a a write up on the benefits click here to read more.

Bands are are a great way to do alternative resistance training in creative ways. Also you can do them anywhere because they are so compact. You can usually by packs of three to six with different levels of resistance. Kyra Stokes has the most comprehensive library on how to use them in workouts if you want to give these a shot. Click here to find out more in an article by Shape Magazine.

Bands are are a great way to do alternative resistance training in creative ways. Also you can do them anywhere because they are so compact. You can usually by packs of three to six with different levels of resistance. Kyra Stokes has the most comprehensive library on how to use them in workouts if you want to give these a shot. Click here to find out more in an article by Shape Magazine.

The Pilates reformer is a great way to take boredom out of a gym weight training routine. It has springs inside that make the tension and intensity the movement harder and believe me will challenge you and your muscles on a different level. Pilates is also great for Golfers and Tennis players that have to use a different muscle groups to articulate fine movements. Swimmers, Road Bikers, Triathletes,  benefit from this form of exercise, not just Dancers that it is traditional known for. I recommend taking either a private lesson or doing a few beginner small group classes to get the technique first before you take more challenging classes.

The Pilates reformer is a great way to take boredom out of a gym weight training routine. It has springs inside that make the tension and intensity the movement harder and believe me will challenge you and your muscles on a different level. Pilates is also great for Golfers and Tennis players that have to use a different muscle groups to articulate fine movements. Swimmers, Road Bikers, Triathletes, benefit from this form of exercise, not just Dancers that it is traditional known for. I recommend taking either a private lesson or doing a few beginner small group classes to get the technique first before you take more challenging classes.

I know people have seen these in Gyms and always wondered what they do. They aren’t just for up your push up and pull up game but can do many other exercises. TRX’s are almost a complete home Gym piece of equipment. You can pretty much use it anywhere that has a place to attach it to like a door, tree, play ground equipment. Doing a quick search on the web your can find many work outs for it. Click here to find out more.

I know people have seen these in Gyms and always wondered what they do. They aren’t just for up your push up and pull up game but can do many other exercises. TRX’s are almost a complete home Gym piece of equipment. You can pretty much use it anywhere that has a place to attach it to like a door, tree, play ground equipment. Doing a quick search on the web your can find many work outs for it. Click here to find out more.

We have all scene this scary thing at the gym. Well, skip the treadmill and try this out instead. These large stair steppers are wonderful for cardio but also developing stability in your hips and strength in your joints. Anytime I am on vacation at a resort that has one of these, I jump on for about thirty minutes to burn off any Margaritas I had the night before.

We have all scene this scary thing at the gym. Well, skip the treadmill and try this out instead. These large stair steppers are wonderful for cardio but also developing stability in your hips and strength in your joints. Anytime I am on vacation at a resort that has one of these, I jump on for about thirty minutes to burn off any Margaritas I had the night before.

I know what you are thinking. What is this? Well this is Gyrotonics the Gyrotonic Expansion System. This is a the ultimate in fitness because the system is designed to exercise fine muscle groups and also the larger ones to. The system combines, yoga, pilates, dance, gymnastics, swimming and t’ai chi. There are a couple of places locally you can take private lessons to try this out. Forbes even did a whole write up on it you can read click here to read more about. There is so much research about how high impact exercise like HIIT is actually causing more stress then benefit on our bodies and workouts using this equipment gives us better performance without sacrificing strain and injury. Also if you have any type of back issues this is also highly recommended as well.

I know what you are thinking. What is this? Well this is Gyrotonics the Gyrotonic Expansion System. This is a the ultimate in fitness because the system is designed to exercise fine muscle groups and also the larger ones to. The system combines, yoga, pilates, dance, gymnastics, swimming and t’ai chi. There are a couple of places locally you can take private lessons to try this out. Forbes even did a whole write up on it you can read click here to read more about. There is so much research about how high impact exercise like HIIT is actually causing more stress then benefit on our bodies and workouts using this equipment gives us better performance without sacrificing strain and injury. Also if you have any type of back issues this is also highly recommended as well.

Hopefully this information will make you think about your workouts. Maybe you will try different things like equipment or types of exercise next time our work out. Doing the same type of exercise all the time will keep your body from performing and getting the results you are looking for.

Have a great Wellness Wednesday!
