Ready by Shara

Wellness and Nutrition Coaching

Filtering by Tag: Nutrition

Summer Series- Tools and Gadgets to get you through a Hot Summer in the Kitchen

Half the country is experiencing the hottest days on record and turning on a oven, using a stove or even outdoor grilling just seems too hot and is probably the last thing anyone wants to do. So during the summer I rely on a collection of devices to use to create meals that keep me from using my Oven and Burners which in turn keeps the air conditioning bill waayyyyy down! The little electricity that these small appliances require pales in comparison to what turning on my oven and using my burners does to my living space. Trust me my cats thank me and so does my wallet! I also included some kitchen tools and gadgets that I use a lot in the summer months to make food more fun and easy to prepare.

The first is a Spirlizer. Why boil pasta when you can just Spiralizer some Zucchini. You can also Spiralizer: Carrots, Parsnips, Sweet Potatoes, Cabbage, Beets, Apples. You can pick one up for under $30 click here to get more info.

The first is a Spirlizer. Why boil pasta when you can just Spiralizer some Zucchini. You can also Spiralizer: Carrots, Parsnips, Sweet Potatoes, Cabbage, Beets, Apples. You can pick one up for under $30 click here to get more info.

Nothing I hate more is watery lettuce leaves. I like to give my Romain and Buttery Lettuce leaves a good washing but your home made salad dressing can become watered down without a proper spin. Also under $30 click here for more details.

Nothing I hate more is watery lettuce leaves. I like to give my Romain and Buttery Lettuce leaves a good washing but your home made salad dressing can become watered down without a proper spin. Also under $30 click here for more details.

Ceramic knives are a must for chopping lettuces, vegetables and fruits. Steel knives can brown and oxidize many types of delicate veggies. I have been using mine for over 20 years now. This set will run you about $60 click here for more details.

Ceramic knives are a must for chopping lettuces, vegetables and fruits. Steel knives can brown and oxidize many types of delicate veggies. I have been using mine for over 20 years now. This set will run you about $60 click here for more details.

Glass mason jars are cost effective, practical and have many uses. Making overnight oats, salads to go and storing   foods without using toxic plastic containers, these jars are a must. A dozen will run you about $12 and you can get different sizes and colors. Click here for more details.

Glass mason jars are cost effective, practical and have many uses. Making overnight oats, salads to go and storing foods without using toxic plastic containers, these jars are a must. A dozen will run you about $12 and you can get different sizes and colors. Click here for more details.

Crock Pots, Slow Cookers and Instant Pots are your friend in the summer not just for winter. Another tool to cook a whole meal that you can start in the morning and come home to, ready to go. Prices range from about $50 to $300 for some Instant Pot models. The one pictured is highly rated and comes in $54. Click here for more details.

Crock Pots, Slow Cookers and Instant Pots are your friend in the summer not just for winter. Another tool to cook a whole meal that you can start in the morning and come home to, ready to go. Prices range from about $50 to $300 for some Instant Pot models. The one pictured is highly rated and comes in at $54. Click here for more details.

Air fryers don’t only make the healthiest, least cancer causing fried starches around, but they cook meat, fish and veggies to perfection and without heating up the kitchen. This one works as a food dehydrator as well. Comes in handy making healthy snacks. Food Network gave this model a thumbs up for price and versatility. Coming in under $120 click here for details.

Air fryers don’t only make the healthiest, least cancer causing fried starches around, but they cook meat, fish and veggies to perfection and without heating up the kitchen. This one works as a food dehydrator as well. Comes in handy making healthy snacks. Food Network gave this model a thumbs up for price and versatility. Coming in under $120 click here for details.

I use my rice cooker to make Quinoa and Sprouted Brown Rice. Another device so you don’t have boiling water heating up your kitchen. It works great for a quick batch of steamed veggies as we. Food&Wine gave this guy a thumbs up for being budget friendly and reliable. Just under $20 you can’t go wrong. Click here for more details.

I use my rice cooker to make Quinoa and Sprouted Brown Rice. Another device so you don’t have boiling water heating up your kitchen. It works great for a quick batch of steamed veggies as we. Food&Wine gave this guy a thumbs up for being budget friendly and reliable. Just under $20 you can’t go wrong. Click here for more details.

This device may seem excessive but boiling a pot of water to hard boil eggs heats up the kitchen in no time fast. Instead of cooking eggs on the stove I pop eggs in this baby and throw them in an ice bath once they are ready. I have perfectly cooked eggs for breakfast and late night snacks. Under $20 another great kitchen gadget! Click here for more details.

This device may seem excessive but boiling a pot of water to hard boil eggs heats up the kitchen in no time fast. Instead of cooking eggs on the stove I pop eggs in this baby and throw them in an ice bath once they are ready. I have perfectly cooked eggs for breakfast and late night snacks. Under $20 another great kitchen gadget! Click here for more details.

I know it’s obvious but a blender is your best friend to make smoothies. This one in particular is special though. It is well priced and does a great job and includes single serve attachment pieces. Rated highly on all the Foodie sights for its price point and that it can crush ice in no time flat makes this a fan favorite. Under $150 including the single serve smoothie cups its great quality for a great price. Click here for more details.

I know it’s obvious but a blender is your best friend to make smoothies. This one in particular is special though. It is well priced and does a great job and includes single serve attachment pieces. Rated highly on all the Foodie sights for its price point and that it can crush ice in no time flat makes this a fan favorite. Under $150 including the single serve smoothie cups its great quality for a great price. Click here for more details.

You have no idea how great it is to make a batch of Popsicles. I really like this brand because they make perfect pops every time. With my handy blender it is so easy to whip up fruit Popsicles easily. Much better than what you can buy at the stores. These are also a cult favorite across all Foodie sites. Under $15 these are a must have for hot summer days. Click here for more info.

You have no idea how great it is to make a batch of Popsicles. I really like this brand because they make perfect pops every time. With my handy blender it is so easy to whip up fruit Popsicles easily. Much better than what you can buy at the stores. These are also a cult favorite across all Foodie sites. Under $15 these are a must have for hot summer days. Click here for more info.

I spent over half my life living in hot climates and found ways to beat the heat and eat well without sacrificing flavor and variety on a small budget. With a little help from these tools and gadgets you can to. Have a great Week everybody!

Big hugs,


Summer Kick Start Cleanse

Memorial Day has passed and I know we are all trying to loose some more COVID weight. I put together a seven day kick start plan to detox, slim down and take care of some inflammation from the stress of going back to some what normal daily life. This is simple plan and pretty straightforward.


Disclaimer: All information stated is not intended as medical advice. People with serious health conditions, allergies or disorders should consult with a physician before doing any type of Detox/Kick Start/Cleanse program. Women pregnant or trying to get pregnant should consult with their Physicians before starting any cleanse or Detox program.

Happy Wellness Wednesday!!


"SHEEEEESH"...the story behind it and a friendship that sparked a life changing love for fitness

We end the Month of May with an interview with two funny fellows named Tyler and Josue. Their friendship started just as co-workers and has grown into a bond and love for fitness. I asked them a series of questions about how this all started, what their routines are and what nutrition plan they fallow. They both are honest and thoughtful in their answers and give great advice on how to get started and keep focused. They were generous to give photos of there progress as well. Enjoy!

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How did your fitness journey start?

My fitness journey started around October of 2020. I started going to the gym because around this time I was working from home, working 8 hours at my desk was brutal. I used the gym as a way to pass time, and something to look forward to at the end of the day. I knew I was going to stick with it because it was something I wanted to do for a while. 

How did your partnership come to be?

My partnership with Tyler came to be because we both follow the same bodybuilder, Chris bumstead. He came out with a pre workout and Tyler bought. I asked him to let me know how was it, but that turned into a “hey let’s go hit the gym” 

What is your gym workout plan?
My workout plan is a push pull legs. Push is shoulders, chest and triceps. Pull day is back and biceps. Legs, I like to have a quad focus day and hamstring focus day. 

How do you fit workouts in to your schedule?

The way I fit lifting into my schedule is seeing what time I go in and what time I’m off. If I go in to work early, I’ll go lift after work. But if I go to work late, then I’ll go lift in the morning 

What is your morning routine?
My morning is not too crazy. I usually try to wake up an hour and a half before work and stretch and maybe go on a walk 

What is your nightly routine?
I don’t really have a night routine. I’ll just eat some almonds and a protein shake about 30 min before going to bed. Obviously, brush my teeth too lol 


The supplements I take are creatine, protein shake and pre workout 

What is your diet like?
My diet is the same everyday. Lunch: egg whites, bagel and protein shake. 1st dinner: chicken, white rice and bell peppers. 2nd dinner: ground turkey, white rice and peppers. Snacks: rice cakes, pop tarts, almonds, rice cakes, halo top ice cream. Snacks vary day by day 

What results have you observed from your fitness journey?

Well I have definitely seen how my body has changed because of lifting. I also have noticed that I am more disciplined, not only with eating and lifting but with life overall. I’ve also made a lot of friends through the gym, which is great because even though we are doing different things, we can all relate. 


The advice I would give someone about is be patient. Everything takes time. And do compare yourself to others. Everyone has a different goal, all you have to do is focus on yours. Ask for help, everyone is there to help you 

How did the SHEEEEESH sweatshirts come to be?
The “sheeeeesh” hoodies came to be because Tyler and I would always say it. Tyler has done a lot for me, so I thought it would be a great idea to get some hoodies made for the both of us. Why not make a hoodie about a word we always say lol 

What are your future goals with your fitness?
My future goals with lifting is to keep on going and see how far it takes me. At the moment I’m doing it because I really enjoy it and being a able to lift with Tyler is great. It’s helped us get closer as friends. Later in life, hopefully in 2 or 3 years, I would like to compete for a bodybuilding show. 

How did your fitness journey start?
- I started watching a lot of YouTube videos by a few fitness related people, Jeff Nippard, Chris Bumstead, Greg doucette. I’d previously been relatively active in weight lifting, and wanted to get back in to it. I also had some interesting life experiences come around that the gym was a good outlet for.

How did your partnership come to be?
- I came back from my career experience and I totally forget this every time, but somehow Josue and I just hit it off one day. At some point we hit the gym together, bonded over memes and “sheeeeesh”, a weird love for Chris Bumstead, and the rest was history.

What is your gym workout plan?
- I run a pretty consistent PPL (Push, Pull, Leg) split. This would mean that on a Monday I do push related exercises, things like bench press, shoulder press, tricep extensions, etc. On a pull day I’d do seated rows, lat pull downs, curls, etc. On a leg day, I’d do a solid amount of squats, Bulgarians, cardio, lunges, leg press, etc!

How do you fit workouts in to your schedule?
- I removed video games entirely one day, and just decided to focus on fitness, now its more a habit than anything else. You always have some time for fitness, no matter what your schedule looks like. There is always time on a schedule to get to the gym if you’re really about it.

What is your morning routine?
- Depends entirely on if I open or not. If I open, then I try to be up by 6:00 AM to get solid food in. Typically we aim for 600~ calories, and a low amount of caffeine early in the day. If I don’t open, I sleep in until 7:00 AM~ and attempt the same thing, with a gym session early in the morning. If I have a full day off, we sleep until 8:00 AM, open the day with a coffee or tea, read something or listen to a podcast and get everything set up and taken care of. Getting stuff done in terms of laundry, cleaning, meal prepping and etc makes it easy to relax and be in a good headspace for lifting.

What is your nightly routine?
- Check calories and what I’m missing from a nutritional point of view, take my capsules for various supplements, get in some stretching if I really feel like going the extra mile. I love to be asleep by 9:30/10:00 at the latest, sleep is almost more important than anything I do in the gym.

What is your diet like?
- When I originally started it was kind of insane. We pushed to 3500~ calories per day, it was an extremely clean 3500 calories a day as well. Chicken, rice, potatoes, salmon, avocado, whole wheat toast, hard boiled eggs, almonds, coconuts, etc. We removed soda and energy drinks entirely (relatively easy, I don’t enjoy carbonated drinks). Cooking that much food took a lot of time, and was pretty involved, the way I motivated myself was by thinking, “I’m not going to go to the gym and crush my body for 2 hours and then eat like garbage.”

Now I tend to just have it mapped out in terms of what I need to steadily gain, versus rapidly gain. Today for example, we had a protein shake, protein bar, applesauce and two eggs for breakfast. For lunch I had an açaí bowl, brownie, and an undertow. For dinner, I’ll likely have ground turkey, white rice, potatoes, and a veggie medley.

What results have you observed from your fitness journey?
- I gained a ton of weight, and its heavily muscle based. I’m sure anyone that follows me on instagram has seen a progress photo from me at some point, it is very nice and an encouraging thing to go through. I feel as though my goals are constantly being reached, and it motivates me to not make excuses for myself. When I was much lighter, I used to make excuses for not eating right, not working out, etc, saying I had a fast metabolism and I ate a lot. Now I genuinely do eat a lot, and I workout correctly, with intention. It is very nice.

- Just start doing stuff. You don’t have to go to a fancy gym, or even go to a gym at all. We have Apple Fitness+, we have personal at home gyms, etc. Start with just eating better, or educating yourself using someone like Jeff Nippard. Figure out what motivates you, and really double down on it, for me its Chris Bumstead, for you it might be a six pack.

How did the SHEEEEESH sweatshirts come to be?
- Josue literally made them with his family and gave me one, G.O.A.T gym partner.

What are your future goals with your fitness?
- Ideally, I’d like to end up sitting around 165 lbs, I’ll go through a bulk phase this winter and attempt to push in to the 190lb range for body weight. A bulk includes putting on a fair amount of fat as well, and working mainly strength related things. Then during the summer you cut down on the fat content and lean out, which I’m super excited for.

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Their energy is infectious and more people have joined in on their quest for fitness. They have quite a SHEEEEESE movement happening. If you are lucky you can join in and be apart of what they have created and most luckily build some muscle, get support and laugh so hard that those dream six pack abs will become a reality.

Happy Wellness Wednesday!
