Ready by Shara

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Smoothies that Keep You Full

Even though our weather lately does not seem to say “o, a nice cold smoothie sounds good” but we are in that time of year that for breakfast that maybe a hot bowl of loaded oatmeal does not sound as great. Every year I break out the Vitamix and start throwing things in and realize I made too much and possibly loaded my smoothies with way too much sugar. Smoothies can be just fruit or just vegetables or a combo of each, but if you are looking for an easier to digest breakfast or lunch on a hot day, they need to be balanced to make a true meal replacement that keeps you feeling full.

The proper Smoothie Ratio is as fallows:


Water is pretty much the only liquid you want to add to your smoothie. Adding fruit juice is pretty much adding a cup of pure sugar to your smoothie. Aloe vera juice can be beneficial but I still would cut it with water. Coconut water is a nice option for a post workout smoothie as well. Stick to one with no added sugars. Always start with one cup of liquid and then add more if needed to get the consistency you desire. More liquid for a smoothie and less for a smoothie bowl.


Coconut Water

Green Tea

White Tea


Herbal Teas like chamomile, tulsi, mint etc

Nut Milks

Oat milks

Coffee/ Espresso


This is where people make their biggest mistake. Too much fruit! We need just a little fruit in our smoothies. The best way to make sure you aren’t adding too much fruit is to use a 1/4 cup measuring cup and never add more then a cup total of fruit to a smoothie. Fruit adds antioxidants, fiber, pre biotic fiber and nutrients which is great. If we over do it we are adding too much sugar that causes inflammation, weight gain. Also there are only certain kinds that you should add.

Berries (blue berries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, açaí) Organic only!

Frozen or raw Cranberries


Pineapple (does not have to be organic)



Green bananas (if they are ripe save them for banana bread they are useless nutritionally if they aren’t green)

Dragon fruit


Navel Oranges Organic with the skin left on


Lemon and Meyer Lemon juice and the zest of the skin (must be organic due to pesticides)

Lime juice and the zest of the skin (must be organic due to pesticides)



Raw is not always best for veggies. Most vegetables don’t get to their peak of nutritional value unless they are steamed or cooked. This is why I am huge advocate of buying frozen veggies instead of using raw. One they are easier to digest. Two they are picked at the optimal time and then frozen to give the highest amount of nutrients. They are also flash steamed and ultra washed before they are frozen for ultimate nutrient density and any contamination from transport or picking while harvesting from human hands is not an issue. They are well priced especially for organic and available year around.

Frozen: Kale, Spinach, beet greens (you can always flash boil these and then drain and store in the fridge)

*frozen spinach can be added to ANY type of smoothie. It has no taste and adds fiber and nutrients

Frozen Broccoli, Caulifour (make sure to never add these raw because in a raw state the taste will take over your smoothie) plus these type of veggies raw can give adverse effects

Raw salad greens

Raw celery

Raw or frozen carrots

Frozen beets and butter nut squash (keep these under 1/2 cup due to starches) or steamed and chilled

Canned or roasted and chilled pumpkin (as well 1/4 cup)

Raw Ginger

Cucumber that is peeled

Complex Carbohydrates

Every smoothie needs complex carbs to work with your added proteins and fats to make a complete meal. The easiest way to add this by adding some rolled oats or oat bran. I prefer to use sprouted oats to make them even more nutritionally dense and easier to digest. You only need about 1/4 cup of un-cooked oats or oat bran.

Healthy Fats

Adding fats to your smoothie is pretty crucial to keep you full. Now, if this is a post workout smoothie you want to leave out the fats because the goal is just to quickly repair the muscle tears you created from building muscles. I like to either soak nuts over night and then drain them and keep them in a container in the refrigerator for a few days to add to my smoothies or I buy roasted nut butters. Eating raw nuts creates inflammatory responses in the body and should always be soaked before consuming. Roasting nuts requires soaking first so they dont burn in the roasting process so those are great options.
only one tablespoon of any healthy fat is is the max amount you would need unless you are trying to weight gain then double the amount. Avocados you can add a half of a whole due to its fiber content.




Sunflower seed butter

Chia Seeds (soak a batch every week and keep in a jar in the fridge and add to smoothies, smoothie bowls, baked goods as a egg replacer)

Flax Seeds

Hemp Seeds


Protein Sources

When it comes to protein sources they need to be as clean burning as possible. Most people will use whey protein because its cheaper and the most known protein source. Whey protein is probably one of the worst you can use because of how it is processed and how it lives in your gut and creates inflammatory response in your body. If you ever mixed Whey protein with some water and let it sit out and then touched it with your fingers you will notice how sticky it is and doesn’t wash off your fingers and is glue like. Well, that is what happens when you in chest it. Also whey protein unless its grass fed, hormone free can cause Acne on a grand scale. Clean proteins that repair your muscles and are digestible do not do this. The best protein sources are actually plant based. I know this is controversial but its the truth.

Pea Protein

Pumpkin Seed Protein

Brown Rice Protein

Hemp Seed Protein (best for post work out recovery)


Optional Add ins-


Cacao Powder

Psyllium Husk Powder

Inulin Powder

Green Powders

Green banana flour

Magnesium Powders

Herbs and Spices

Herbs and Spices can add crucial nutrients into your smoothie. Also you will be surprised that they dont have a overwhelming taste once added in the proper amounts








Sweeteners (completely optional)

Medjool Dates


Coconut Sugar


Maple Syrup

I listened to two great podcast that talked about how to create a great well rounded smoothie. Check them out you will learn a lot about not only smoothie creation but which is the best blender, mistakes we make in smoothie creation and nutrition information.

Click here to listen to Shawn Stevenson talk about the five biggest mistakes we make in creating smoothies to gain muscle and energy. Shawn is such a wealth of knowledge in Sports and Nutrition

Jesse of the Ultimate Health Podcast interviews Tess Masters of Blender Girl. Tess is a HUGE wealth of information on smoothie creation and on the best equipment to create them in. Great listen! Click here to listen


Green Machine

one stalk of celery

four leaves of Romain lettuce

1/2 cup of chopped cilantro

half a green apple

half a kiwi

1/2 cup of peeled cucumber

1 tablespoon of chia seeds

2 tablespoons of spirulina (or two scoops of hemp seed protein powder)

1/4 cup of rolled oats

five drops of liquid stevia

1/2 cup of brewed and cooled green tea

1 cup of water

1/2 cup of ice

Blend for 60 seconds in a high speed powered blender

Fall Harvest Smoothie

2 tablespoons of pumpkin purea

half a apple or pear

1/4 cup of cranberries

1 cup of frozen spinach

2 scoops of pea protein powder

1/4 cup of soaked and drained walnuts( or table spoon of a roasted nut butter)

juice of half a lemon and the zest

1/4 cup of rolled oats

1 cup of oat or nut milk

Pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg and clove

Blend for 30 to 60 seconds

My basic Morning Smoothie

1/2 cup Wild Organic Frozen Blue Berries

1 cup Frozen spinach

two scoops of pea protein powder

two scoops of hemp protein powder

two scoops of inullin powder

1 tablespoon of a nut butter

2 tablespoons of green banana flour

1/4 cup of Gluten Free Sprouted Rolled Oats

two cubes of frozen Ginger (from Trader Joes)

two teaspoons of Moringa Green Powder

a few drops of liquid stevia

1 cup of water

Blend for 30 to 60 seconds and add water to constancy

My Yogi Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

1 cup of steeped chilled or room temp chamomile tea

half of a medium avocado

half of a peeled ruby red organic grapefruit

half of a green apple

1 cup of frozen organic Spinach

1/2 cup of peeled cucumber (if using persian cucumbers skin can be left on)

1/2 cup cilantro

1/2 cup parsley

1/2 cup of mint

2 cubes of frozen ginger (from Trader Joes)

two scoops of hemp protein powder

1 medjool date

1/4 cup of Gluten Free Sprouted Rolled oats

Blend for 30 to 60 seconds and more water to desired constancy

Have a great Wellness Wednesday! Share your favorite Smoothie Recipes today!


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